Classroom Expectations

As you are all aware of at this point, every classroom and teacher you meet has certain expectations and guidelines for how his/her class will run. I am no exception to the rule. I have expectations for you as a student, myself as a teacher, and guidelines for how the classroom will run. Below you will find some of these expectations and guidelines, to help inform, remind, and instruct you on how the class will run.

Expectations for myself:

I hold myself to certain expectations as a teacher, as I am sure you do as well. These are some of them, listed for you.

1. I will be on time to class.

2. I will be prepared for class. My lessons will be complete, and ready to teach. My materials will be easily accessible for my students. The homework will be ready to assign for students.

3. I will give you respect. I believe in students ability to have and keep respect from the teacher. I also am firm in my belief that every day is a new day. What happened yesterday in class will not be held against you during the next class.

4. I will work hard to create active and engaging lessons for my students. Not every lesson will be a diamond, but I will try to make everything at least an aquamarine. I will attempt to create options for assignments that allow my students to use their creativity in appropriate, on task ways.

5. I will have tutorial hours for my students. If you are struggling, I am here for you. If you  missed an assignment, forgot an assignment, or you just need help studying for a test, I am here Monday-Thursday before school, as well as Tuesday and Thursday after school. (Please see my tutorial hours).

Student Expectations:

1. Be on time. If I can run to the bathroom in between classes, and make it back on time, so can you! Please be on time, in your seat when the bell rings. There will almost always (98% of the time) be a writing warm up on the board. Read it, Brainstorm it, Do it.

2. Be prepared. This is high school people…bring your supplies. Supplies includes (but is not limited to) a pen(cil), notebook, any assigned books, and/or text book. If you can remember your phone, ipod, etc. you can remember your backpack. Please have all homework turned in to your class’ tray before the bell rings. I will pick up homework from the tray when the bell rings, any homework that is not in the tray will be counted late.

3. Be Respectful. Be respectful of each other, the teacher (including subs), and the classroom environment. If you are having a bad day, don’t take it out on any of the above. Respecting one another is extremely important, as you will one day be employed (gainfully, hopefully) and you will work with many different people, some you will hate. This is great practice. I do not tolerate bullying of any kind, even “jokes.” Respect me, as your teacher. Respect the substitute, if there is one. I have been a sub. before, it is not a fun job. Respect the classroom, and all that I have put into creating this awesome room, including supplies I have provided to you for projects, etc.

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